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Welcome To Retina Vitreous Associates We are a specialty ophthalmology practice devoted to diseases and surgery of the retina and vitreous. a Macular Degeneration Degeneration of the Macula, the central retina responsible for detailed vision, is the leading cause of visual disability for the elderly. a Diabetic Retinopathy A concern for all diabetic patients is the development of blood vessel instabilities within the retina, a condition which is known as diabetic retinopathy.

Our Mission

Not Just Better Care, But A Better Care Experience

Our knowledgeable and friendly doctors and staff will always strive to give you the best care and counseling available when it comes to treatment of your eyes. We understand your concerns and anxiety and we will consistently provide you with the most up-to-date information and procedures.


A Great Place To Work, A Great Place To Receive Care

We welcome emergent problems and make ourselves constantly available. The satellite practice is made possible by van service which includes retinal camera and laser capability. That care is extended particularly to seniors who are reluctant to negotiate the Houston traffic maze and for diabetic patients who do not want to consume valuable working hours traveling to and from a central city ophthalmological office.

We Are Working Toward A Healthier Community

We also have free standing secondary offices in Humble and Tomball. The Houston office provides retinal photographic services, electroretinography (ERG, EOG, VEP), ocular coherence tomography (OCT), ultrasonography (B-scan), visual field testing, indirect and slit lamp laser treatment. The in-office procedures are performed, when necessary, at the time of the initial visit so that rescheduling is kept to a minimum.


Competent, Effective, and Safe Treatment For You!

With over 50 years of combined experience in specialized eye care, Retina Vitreous Associates provides the latest in cutting-edge treatments of eye disorders. We appreciate your faith in choosing us to attend to you and your loved one’s concern and we value your time with us

We Are Here For You

Whether you reside in Houston or at a more peripheral site we bring a commitment to provide world-class diagnostic expertise, seasoned therapeutic advice, and, if necessary, experienced laser and surgical care.
If you are interested in learning about retinal vitreous diseases, click the Eye Disorders link above. Honor and trust are the cornerstones of our practice.