Central serous maculopathy
Central serous maculopathy (CMS) is a specific disease that typically affects young and middle-aged adults between the 20 and 45 year of age. Males outnumber females 8 to 1. Hispanics seem to be more susceptible than Caucasians. The clinical picture is that of a small blister-like detachment of the macular retina. Circulation studies show leakage to be occurring from a site within a filtering membrane. That membrane (bruch’s) lies beneath the macula. Fluorescein angiography is indispensable in the detection of the leakage site.
CSM patients are likely to be experiencing fluid retention of mild degree. That retention can occur from excessive use of dietary sodium or from cortisteroid usage. Laser coagulation of the leakage site with marks of minimal intensity is sometimes indicated as adjunctive treatment.